These reports are from previous grant cycles. This information is no longer updated.

Disability in Focus: June 2021
The June 2021 issue of Disability in Focus shows that 6 in 10 NH adults with mobilities disabilities report their health as fair or poor. With better access to health promotion programs and preventive health care, their health can improve.
Explore the data and learn how health care providers and public health professionals can make preventive health more accessible.

2021 NH Disability & Public Health Infographic Report
The New Hampshire Disability & Public Health project's 2021 infographic shows that adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in New Hampshire (NH) need better access to preventive health care. Compared to adults with IDD nationally, adults with IDD in NH are less likely to get some health screenings.

Disability in Focus: March 2021
The March 2021 issue of Disability in Focus shows that in New Hampshire, 2 in 5 adults who are transgender have a disability.
When asked about stress, depression, and problems with emotions in the last 30 days, people with disabilities who were also transgender had the most mentally unhealthy days. Review the data and learn strategies to support the mental health of people with disabilities who are transgender.

Disability in Focus: December 2020
The December 2020 issue of Disability in Focus shows that in New England, adults with disabilities are more likely than adults without disabilities to use telehealth for remote healthcare visits.
Also, adults with disabilities are less satisfied overall with the remote care they get. Explore the data and learn some of the strategies healthcare providers can use to make telehealth more accessible.

Disability in Focus: May 2020
The May 2020 issue of Disability in Focus shows that in New Hampshire, people with disabilities and their families are 4 times more likely to report food insecurity than people without disabilities. Food insecurity results from not being able to afford enough food to live an active, healthy life.

Disability in Focus: January 2020
The January 2020 issue of Disability in Focus shows that after taking DPH's disability-competence training, healthcare providers' ideas about disability shifted to a more social-model view of disability.
Data Reports & Publications
New Hampshire Disability and Health Annual Reports
Each year, DHP publishes a New Hampshire (NH) Disability and Public Health report. The annual report provides the latest statistics and information about health behaviors and health risk factors that affect the health equity of adults with intellectual, developmental, cognitive and mobility disabilities. It suggests strategies that policymakers and program managers can use to establish more inclusive programs and initiatives in NH.
Access the 2021 NH Disability & Public Health Infographic Report
Access the 2020 NH Disability & Public Health Infographic Report