Join the DHAWG

We are looking for more people to join our advisory work group. This group is called the Disability and Health Advisory Work Group. We also call it the DHAWG. Some people on the DHAWG work at disability organizations, in healthcare, or in public health. Some people on the DHAWG are disability advocates, people with disabilities. DHAWG members let the DHP team know which health issues are most important to New Hampshire adults with disabilities.

What is the NH Disability and Health Program (DHP)?

The DHP has funding for activities to help improve the health of adults with disabilities in New Hampshire. We do this by educating healthcare providers, training community partners on inclusion, and sharing resources with people with disabilities. This is a five-year program. The project started in August 2021 and will end in July 2026.

There are Disability and Health Programs in 10 states. We work with the other states on some of our projects. We also work with our advisory work group to identify challenges to healthy living that happen in New Hampshire. Some areas we are focusing on include accessible transportation, oral health care, and food security.

What do DHAWG members do?

DHAWG members will:

  • Come to 9 Zoom meetings per year (first Tuesday of each month, 12-1:30pm) and join our in-person meeting in Concord in June
  • Share your thoughts about program activities
  • Talk about why it can be hard to be healthy for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) or mobility disabilities
  • Tell people you know about program related projects that might help them

What do I do next?

 There are three ways you can tell us that you’re interested in joining the DHAWG.

  1. Complete this form
  2. Email Us
  3. Call Megan Henly at (603) 862-1488