This is a list of archived grants and projects from the Institute on Disability at UNH. These pages serve only as a record for archival purposes. These projects and their resources are no longer updated.
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- Achievement in Dropout Prevention and Excellence (APEX)The state of New Hampshire has worked with the Institute on Disability since 2002 to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) focused on behavior in high schools.
- AT ConnectsAT Connects is a developing information site charged to become a National Public Assistive Technology Internet Site.
- Career Self-Management through Job Crafting for People with Physical and Mild Cognitive DisabilitiesThe overarching goal of this project is to improve job retention and facilitate job growth among people with physical and mild cognitive disabilities through the use of career self-management strategies.
- Center on Inclusive Education (CIE)In 1987 a small group of academics at UNH, in partnership with families and community organizations, got together to address the question of how and where to place students newly released from the last of New Hampshire’s institutional schools.
- Community Engagement InitiativeThe Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) Knowledge Translation research project uses a grassroots community engagement technique to assess both the efficacy of the CEI method to address recreation access for people with disabilities.
- DirectConnectDirectConnect will address the growing direct care workforce shortage in New Hampshire by providing recruitment, training and retention opportunities aimed at creating a sustainable workforce.
- Disability & Food InsecurityThe Disability and Food Insecurity project focuses on the intersection of access to food and disability status.
- Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP) II The Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project II uses a systematic approach to develop, identify, and adapt strategies and practices supporting participation of youth/young adults with disabilities in community-based obesity prevention programs.
- Early Childhood Special Education Assistive Technology Project (EC-SEAT)From 2012 through 2019, The EC-SEAT project faculty, staff, and community partners helped prepare 40 scholars with skills in early childhood special education and assistive technology.
- Employment and Asset Development Resource NetworkThe Employment and Asset Development Resource Network (EARN) is designed to provide high quality information and resources to individuals with disabilities that result in improvements in gainful community employment opportunities and financial well-being.
- Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (EPM-RRTC) The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment Policy and Measurement (EPM-RRTC) is (a) investigating the impact of federal and state policies and programs on employment, paying particular attention to the effects of program interactions, (b) examining new ways of measuring employment outcomes, and (c) facilitating the translation of research findings to guide policymaking and program administration.
- Family Centered Transition Project The Family-Centered Transition Project is a collaboration to demonstrate an innovative approach to the transition of individuals with autism spectrum disorders from high school to adult life.
- Food Insecurity The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as the inability to access the food necessary to live a healthy, active life. Understanding the scope of food insecurity experienced within New Hampshire is important for informing the provision.
- Health Disparities & Intellectual Disability The objective of the Health Disparities & Intellectual Disability project is understanding the factors associated with the health disparities experienced by people with intellectual disabilities.
- Health Disparities Project A growing body of research has documented that persons with disabilities are more likely to experience health disparities compared to the general population. The Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project.
- HUD-Assisted Residents with Disabilities US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - assisted adults with disabilities reside within all types of housing assistance yet do not always receive targeted assistance nor supports.
- iCreATe for Paralysis The goal of the "I CreATe for Paralysis Project" is to develop a self-sustaining open ended loan program of assistive technology solutions that will be provided to over 140 individuals who are affected by paralysis in rural areas.
- Including Samuel Dan Habib's award-winning documentary film Including Samuel examines the educational and social inclusion of youth with disabilities. The film is built on the Habib family's efforts to include Samuel, now 17.
- Inclusive Communities The Inclusive Communities Project at the Institute on Disability (IOD) leverages the IOD’s expertise and the power of documentary film to promote greater acceptance and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities.
- Indiv.-Level Characteristics Related To Employment-Individuals With Disabilities Rehab Research & Training Center (IC-RRTC) The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Individual-Level Characteristics Related to Employment Among Individuals with Disabilities (IC-RRTC) is generating new knowledge about the role of individual characteristics on employment outcomes.
- Innovation Facilitators Innovation Facilitators (I.F.) is a network of experienced trainers and facilitators who have organized to support the evolution of person-centered planning.
- Intelligent Lives Academy-Award winning actor Chris Cooper, the narrator of Intelligent Lives, unpacks the United States’ sordid history of intelligence testing.
- Janet Krumm Disability and Media Lecture Series An annual public lecture series which recognizes the power of information and the contributions of individuals who have used the media, written and visual, to create an understanding of the experience of disability, as well as the community's collective responsibility to embrace diversity.
- Kessler National Employment & Disability Survey Consistent with the Kessler Foundation mission to improve the lives of people with disabilities, the ultimate objective of the Kessler Employment Survey is to reduce the long-standing employment disparities between people with and without disabilities.
- Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Evaluation Through Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Evaluation project, staff will be evaluating New Hampshire’s fidelity to the implementation of the Healthy Families America home-visiting model.
- Mr. Connolly Has ALS Mr. Connolly Has ALS chronicles Connolly’s final year as principal of the school and features CHS students asking Connolly about the most profound and personal aspects relating to his life with the disease.
- National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) The National Center and State Collaborative is applying the lessons learned from research on alternate assessments based on AA‐AAS to develop a multi‐state comprehensive assessment system for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
- National Inclusive Education Initiative The NIEI is focused on improving educational services and outcomes for students with autism and related disabilities.
- New England CCHD Newborn Screening Project The goal of the New England CCHD Newborn Screening Project is to develop processes for CCHD screening that will set the stage for improved health outcomes for newborns with CCHD, and their families.
- New Hampshire Health Professions Opportunity Project (HPOP)The New Hampshire Health Professions Opportunity Project (HPOP) offers an opportunity for motivated, eligible, low-income adults to train for and find jobs in health care occupations in New Hampshire.
- New Hampshire Hospital Readmission Project The Institute on Disability and NH Hospital have agreed to embark on this joint research effort to help fill in some of the gaps in knowledge that impede the state's ability to provide a more effective care environment for patients.
- Next Steps NH Next Steps NH is a federally-funded project designed to improve the capacity of schools and communities to improve the outcomes of youth with disabilities and youth at risk of failing high school.
- NH AAC Initiative The purpose of the AAC Initiative is to provide professional development to all New Hampshire school districts (K-12) at no cost to the district for students who benefit from supports to communicate thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas via the use of AAC.
- NH Balancing Incentive Program The BIP is designed to help states develop and improve systems that will make it easier for people to access and use long-term services and supports in community settings.
- NH Microboards This four-year demonstration project established 36 pilot microboards for transitioning youth, twelve in each of three regions of New Hampshire.
- Person-Centered Planning The PCP project includes the development of principles of PCP, training for community staff who work in critical pathways to long-term supports, the development of a training manual, and the development of web-based PCP tools.
- R-3: Relation of Sociodemographics and Local Characteristics to Community Participation and Community Living This project investigates the association of community living and participation with sociodemographic factors, features of the built housing environment, local public policies, and the nature of an individual's disabilities.
- Real Choice Systems Transformation
The Real Choice Systems Transformation project is designed to create and implement improvements in community-based care systems in order to improve health and long-term care services and supports that assist people with disabilities and long-term illnesses to live in the community. - REAL Opportunities StudyThe REAL Opportunities Study investigates whether personalized coaching improves financial outcomes of customers accessing services from Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Response To Intervention The Response-to-Intervention for Literacy (RTI-Lit) Program provided technical assistance and supported five pilot schools to improve reading, writing, and language skills for students struggling with literacy.
- Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation (SWIFT) Center SWIFT Center offers school, states, and districts the ability to build capacity to scale up and sustain new practices for schoolwide inclusive reform in urban, rural, and high-need schools in grades K-8 for students with disabilities.
- Seacoast Child Development Clinic Seacoast Child Development Clinic closed in July 2017 and no longer provides evaluations and services to New Hampshire’s children and families.
- Transitions in Caregiving The Transitions in Caregiving project (formerly Nursing Home Diversion Modernization Grant) is transforming how services are being delivered to family caregivers in New Hampshire who are caring for older adults at risk of nursing home admission.
- Transportation Solutions NH This project seeks to elevate and define the necessity for changes to our transportation system as a condition to change in other areas of society.
- Understanding food-related hardships among older AmericansThis project will identify mid-life predictors of living in a food insecure household at age 60 and older, explore whether living in a food insecure household in mid-life is associated with reduced odds of well-being or healthy aging.
- Who Cares About Kelsey? Who Cares About Kelsey? is the story of Kelsey's transformation from a defiant “problem student” to a motivated, self-confident young woman.
- Who's 'Usual'? Previous research has shown that having a 'usual' source of care, and especially a usual provider, is associated with better health and health care outcomes.
- Work Incentives Resource CenterThe Work Incentives Resource Center (WIRC) is a website developed by the Institute on Disability to expand employment for individuals with disabilities through greater awareness and use of work incentives.
- Youth Empowerment Services Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is a three-year initiative designed to develop and promote leadership and self-advocacy skills to help young people prepare for their future.
- Youth Engagement Project The YEP offers this website to serve as a user-friendly resource for youth-led organizations, schools, community groups, parents, and other stakeholders who wish to promote youth engagement and health and wellness for all of our young people!