The IOD aligns its projects and strategic initiatives with current and emerging national, regional, and state priorities related to individuals with disabilities.
Assistive Technology
The IOD works to increase access to Assistive Technology at UNH, in NH, and across the United States.

Behavioral Health & Wellness
Initiatives that focus on mental health, substance misuse, and the systems and services that support individual social and emotional wellness in our schools and communities.

Community Living & Employment
The IOD provides systems-change efforts related to adults and long-term care including employment, housing, transportation, person-centered planning, aging, and direct care.

Health & Genetics
Health initiatives at the IOD aim to improve the health and social well-being of those with inherited (genetic) disorders and other disabilities.

Inclusive Early Care & Education
The IOD partners with educators, administrators, and policy makers to ensure that every student is a fully participating member of the classroom.