OADSP is dedicated to equipping DSPs and Frontline Supervisors – and individuals with the potential to excel in those roles – with the knowledge, skil...
RCWT provides a substantial resource library to assist DSPs with developing the professional skills, ethics, and competencies needed to move forward i...
This training focuses on the DSP’s role in supporting choice for persons with disabilities in five life domains: Employment, Health Care, Life-Long Le...
The report examines how people with ID/DD are treated differently than other adults who are the subjects of guardianship proceedings, including in sev...
"Key Elements to Ensure the DSP Workforce Has the Competency to Protect Health and Welfare in the Context of a Person-Centered Approach is an Iss...
NADD developed the NADD Competency-Based IDD/MI Dual Diagnosis Direct Support Professional Certification Program to certify the competency of DSPs who...