2023 Annual Report
A Note From the Director

Each year, the Institute on Disability values the opportunity to share our stories, memorable moments, and impact with our many partners, colleagues, friends, and supporters. This year’s annual report does just that by reflecting on how we are making communities more inclusive, accessible, and responsive to the needs of people with disabilities and their families.
We proudly serve as a member of the national network for University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). As a UCEDD, we can work across systems and with people to facilitate real-world change in the areas of…
Interdisciplinary training, including continuing education
Community service, including training, technical assistance, model, and demonstration services
Research including evaluation, and analysis of public policy
Information dissemination and outreach
As an institute of the University of New Hampshire, the IOD also supports student success, advances innovative research, evidence-based practices, and embraces the needs and issues of the state’s disability communities. What does that look like? You will find these answers and more in this year’s annual report.
Our work results in local, state, and national impacts. It also requires us to listen to and reflect upon the changing needs of people with disabilities and their families. These needs can vary, from ensuring public policies reflect and benefit people, to challenging ableism and discrimination in all forms. We also need to educate a broad community of citizens, students, and policymakers on research and evidence-based practices. We want to grow and learn with you and the communities we care about. Lastly, thank you. Your partnership and collaboration make it possible for the IOD to promote full access, equal opportunities, and participation for all.
With appreciation and hope,
Kelly Nye-Lengerman, MSW, PhD
Director & Research Professor of the Institute on Disability