
Resource Category Topic Type
APG Practice Profile Template
APGs create a community of young people that encourage healthy lifestyle changes in a safe, socially-reinforcing environment that is recovery and…
APG Implementation Team Vision and Mission Statements Guidance
To ensure the successful implementation of the alternative peer group through collecting and analyzing data to make decisions; identifying outreach…
APG Implementation Checklist Action Plan
The APG Implementation Checklist is designed to help the APG Implementation Team self-assess and monitor the school/agency’s level of implementation…
APG Implementation Checklist
Use the scores on the APG Implementation Checklist to build an action plan. Identify the current score in the second column, and the priority level…
Protective Factors
Protective Factors
Gratitude Journal - Three Good Things
Gratitude Journal
Exploring Thoughts and Beliefs
Thoughts are like a running dialogue in your brain. They come and go fast. So fast, in fact, that we rarely have the time to question them. Because…
Fair Fighting Rules
Before you begin, ask yourself why you feel upset. Are you angry because you think it’s unfair that your mom won’t let you go to the party until you…
You and Substance Use
Like all things involving humans, substance use is complex (not just “good” or “bad”) and has the potential to both help and harm. What’s more, the…
Tips for Avoiding Recurrence
The most important moment before recurrence is not the final decision to use a drug. It is when you decide to expose yourself to stressors. For…
The Seven Stages of Grief
Most people react to learning about a loss with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the loss at some level to avoid pain. The shock…
Substance Use Discussion Questions
Oftentimes, a person’s relationship with drugs and alcohol will change over time. For example, you might have initially used drugs only a few times a…
My Personal Medicine
Personal Medicine is what we do to get well and stay well. Personal Medicine can be the big things that give our lives meaning and purpose. It can…
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Adult children of alcoholics discussion questions
Behavioral Health & Wellness, Health & Genetics Substance Misuse Supports & Services
The Engaged Feedback Checklist
Daring Feedback Engaged Feedback List
Strengths Discussion Questions
Strength discussion questions
List of Values - Brené Brown
List of values
Best Possible Self - Visualization Exercise
What would your life look like in a perfect future? How would you spend your time? Who would be by your side? In this exercise, you will imagine your…
Motivational Interviewing: The Basics, OARS
Motivational Interviewing is an “empathic, person-centered counseling approach that prepares people for change by helping them resolve ambivalence,…
Setting and Using Norms with APGs
Group norms are a set of agreements about how members will work with each other and how the group will work overall. These agreed-upon behaviors help…