NICHD’s mission is to lead research and training to understand human development, improve reproductive health, enhance the lives of children and adole...
"From My Perspective" is OCALI's family and community outreach center podcast. In these podcasts, you will hear from people with disabi...
OCALI ASD Strategies in Action gives families and service providers tools to ensure they are equipped to effectively care for, support, educate, emplo...
AAIDD is the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization of professionals and others concerned about intellectual and developmental disabilities...
The CDC has information for family members who provide support to someone with a disability, whether a child or an adult, to help them stay safe and h...
Inside this Issue: COVID-19 Resources ✦ ATinNH helps front-line workers ✦ Masks and the ADA ✦ Telehealth ✦ Healthcare Communication Rights ✦ Personal ...
A 2008 report on the Commission's recommendations regarding the care, treatment, and quality of life for people with ASD and their families.<br /...
This 2011 report documents and compares health disparities experienced by People with Disabilities and members of racial and ethnic minorities.<br />