From Where I Sit


From Where I Sit by Kathy Bates offers an informative, honest, and sometimes deeply personal look into the world of disability. The topics Kathy writes about are not just disability issues; they are timely and relevant community issues. It is her hope that this blog will encourage the understanding that disability never discriminates, and it touches us all sooner or later.

Now Featuring "Ask Kathy"

I became a blogger in February 2016 when “From Where I Sit” began. I have researched and written on many disability-related topics, including disability rights, representation, language, pride, identity, and more! I have learned a lot from all of this blogging. But now I want to hear from you, my readers. What’s on your mind?

I chose this quote from Glenn Close because her portrait was the first photograph I recognized at the 99 Faces Project sponsored by PAIMI Advisory Cou... Learn More
I grew up cheering for my two brothers and sister at sporting events. It was fun being a fan and a spectator, but playing looked like a blast. I didn’... Learn More
“Our concern is that any time a service or program isolates people, that it is not inclusive,” Milling said. Learn More
"This order will also review all mental health services across the entire state to determine if the providers we currently utilize are truly equipped ... Learn More
I love watching TV or going to movies, especially if I can relate to at least one of the characters, but that happens much less often than it should. ... Learn More
When it comes to writing about giant blockbuster films, it’s rare that you get to talk about quality disability representation. But Godzilla vs. Kong ... Learn More
“No matter what #Oscars bring, I hope this is a tipping point after which seeing disabled people at awards doesn’t seem so revolutionary. Thank you fo... Learn More
When I first heard the term livability, a few years ago, it meant something entirely different. The idea was that a contractor would build a housing d... Learn More
The 504 Sit-In is the longest nonviolent occupation of a federal building in U.S. history. The group ultimately succeeded in getting the regulations s... Learn More
“In order to make sure that everyone in the United States is able to access these vaccines, we must attend to sectors of the population that have acce... Learn More