Case Management Community Listening Session: In Person


Northeast Delta Dental Conference Center
2 Delta Drive
Concord, NH 03301
United States

The IOD is partnering with the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to host two listening sessions to learn more about case management services in NH. We would like to hear from older adults and people with disabilities who receive home- and community-based services and supports, family members, providers, and others involved in case management and service coordination. What we learn will be used to improve training for NH case managers. Please join us! 

Refreshments will be provided at the in-person session.

Printable Flyer  Flyer En español

  • What we want to learn from you:
    • Experiences you have had with case management and service coordination, and with accessing services
    • If everyone has equal access to quality case management and service coordination
    • Your recommendations for training case managers and service coordinators
  • Why are we holding these sessions?
    We want to learn about and help improve the training available for New Hampshire case managers and service coordinators.
  • Who should attend?
    We would like to hear from older adults and people with disabilities who receive home- and community-based services and supports, family members, providers, and others involved in case management and service coordination.

Do you need accommodations?

To request accommodations, call 603-271-9203 or email the New Hampshire Case Management Assessment and Training Project

Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) is a mission-driven organizations that assists with developing sustainable policies that support person-centered practices and inclusive communities. HSRI is collaborating with the Institute on Disability (IOD) and the University of New Hampshire and the Univer of Missouri at Kansas City’s Institute for Human Development. Questions? Email the New Hampshire Case Management Assessment and Training Project

Areas of Emphasis