
Cover of the 2022 COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence report
In an effort to improve COVID-19 vaccine access for older adults and people with disabilities in New Hampshire, the NH Developmental Disabilities (DD) partner organizations explored barriers to vaccine access and concerns about COVID-19 booster shots. Read our summary of findings below. Read the full report  
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flyer for Staying Safe at Work Training, information available in article
Staying Safe at Work Training The Staying Safe at Work training is a curriculum for teaching workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities about health and safety on the job. View upcoming trainings For assistance implementing the Staying Safe at Work Curriculum: Contact Us
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University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability logo
The first edition of Integrated Mental Health Treatment Guidelines for Prescribers in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities was made possible with funding from the WITH Foundation. Content developed as part of this project is provided at no-cost. Thank you to all of our project contributors, focus group respondents and participants. Following review and use of the IDD-MH Prescriber…
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Logo for National Center for START Services
The National Center for START Services® (NCSS) is an initiative that works to strengthen efficiencies and service outcomes for people with IDD and mental health needs in the community. The National Center was established at the University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability in 2011 to provide technical assistance, clinical expertise, training, and consultation services that…
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negc Logo
The New England Regional Genetics Network (NERGN) advances the health and well-being of individuals with genetic conditions by connecting them with genetic services, educating professionals to improve systems of genetic care, and supporting families in New England. NERGN's vision is that "all individuals with genetic conditions in New England have the opportunity to achieve their…
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NH Children's Behavioral Health Workforce Development Network logo
A skilled and supported workforce is critical to the delivery of high-quality services to our children, youth, and families. Intentional and targeted workforce development activities ensure that we prepare providers across all levels of the workforce, including peer supporters, paraprofessionals, credentialed staff, bachelors-level, masters-level, doctoral-level, licensed…
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logo for the NH Disability and Health Program at the UNH Institute on Disability
The New Hampshire Disability and Health Program (DHP) improves the health and quality of life of people with disabilities in NH by implementing evidence-based strategies to reduce unmet health needs, increase access to preventive health care, and facilita
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The mission of NH-ME LEND is to prepare leaders to enter the field of maternal and child health in order to improve the lives of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families, with particular attention to the needs of children with ASD.
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NH OHSP logo
Work-related injuries and illnesses are preventable, and control of occupational hazards is the most effective means of prevention.
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