Elaine Wheeler is a woman with wavy light colored hair. She is smiling and wearing a black blouse and silver dragonfly necklace.

Elaine Wheeler

Project Director I
Office: UNH CHHS Institute on Disability, 10 West Edge, Durham, NH 03824
Pronouns: No pronouns/use my name only

Elaine Wheeler joined the Institute on Disability in July 2024 as a Project Director I. Elaine comes to us with an extensive background connecting people with developmental disabilities, using a person-centered approach, to efficiently maximize resources for people and their families at their local, state and federal levels.  

Elaine will be working with the State of NH and stakeholders to ensure compliance with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services within the Home and Community Based Services final settings rule. In this role she will be completing on-site visits, developing processes for monitoring ongoing compliance, providing training, completing analysis and trending of collected data and creating data reports to share with CMS and stakeholders.  Elaine is excited to join the IOD, where she will be able to hear firsthand about the experience of people receiving supports and services through NH’s HCBS waivers. Being a part of continued improvements for better lives that include choice and control is something Elaine is passionate about.

Elaine has over 10 years’ experience supporting people who live with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. She is the advisor for the Hear My Voice Self-Advocacy group for young adults.  She is a nationally accredited Person-Centered Thinking trainer through The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices, is a NH Ambassador for Charting the LifeCourse, and is a certified Financial Coach. Elaine believes in the power of person-centered planning and practices for all people. She welcomes you to reach out to brainstorm or collaborate with you. When Elaine isn’t working, you can find her engrossed in a good book, on a river or camping with her family.