Dr. JoAnne Malloy and Kathy Francoeur published Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in High Schools: A Case Study from NH in the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. A case study of how one high school in NH implemented PBIS at all three tiers of support, it includes a description of practices implemented by the school, school and student-level outcomes pre and post implementation, the coaching and training support provided to school staff, and successes and challenges experienced by the school. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in High Schools: A Case Study From New Hampshire
Dr. Debra Brucker had two articles accepted for publication. Job satisfaction among workers with disabilities, which will be published in the Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, uses data from the 2015 Kessler National Employment and Disability Survey to examine job satisfaction for workers with disabilities.  Findings from the study suggest that educational attainment, perceived pay disparities, and supervisor attitudes are associated with job satisfaction for workers with disabilities. Commuting time and wages of American workers with disabilities in the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation examines commuting time and wages for workers with and without disabilities. The study finds similar commute times between workers with and without disabilities and persistently lower wages for workers with disabilities even when controlling for commute time.
Dr. Mary Schuh published, All Means All: Connecting Federal Education Policy and Local Implementation Practice Through Evidence and Equity, in Inclusion. This article discusses equity-based inclusive education and federal policy drivers that can be used to make positive sustainable change in state, district, and local practice to improve the academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for all students including students with extensive support needs and those with labels of intellectual and developmental disabilities.