Members of Seacoast Pathways

Seacoast Pathways is a recovery program for adults with mental illness. It was started in 2013 by six parents in the Portsmouth area who were concerned about housing and integrated care, particularly after the parents' deaths. Three of these parents are Leadership Graduates – Don Moore, 2007, Jackie Ellis, 2008, and Ann Strachan, 2010.

The group researched existing programs in New England and decided to begin operations following the International Clubhouse Psychiatric Recovery Model. This is a structured program where clients, called members, carry out the program with a minimum of assistance from a small staff. The program facilitates recovery by eliminating the isolation many with mental illness endure, providing an opportunity for friendship and relationships, being part of a community, developing social and work skills, and enhancing housing and education.

We continue to grow and have had a significant impact on the lives of our members. A good indicator of this is Pathfinders, a newsletter the members produce. What happens at the clubhouse is pretty much up to the members within the clubhouse guidelines. Take a look at the calendar at The members have decided they would like to produce videos and we're in the process of setting up a Media Unit. Producing videos and other media can be therapeutic as well as provide the opportunity for learning some valuable skills.

We now have 75 members from 14 seacoast communities. 15 are employed and 12 have found new residences since becoming members.

We've increased our hours and are open 9:30 to 3:30, M-W-F. We're grateful to have space donated by the North Church of Portsmouth, but we're fast outgrowing it. Our long term goal is to be in our own space and be open 9 to 4, 5 days/week. The practice at clubhouses around the world is for members to choose one or two of their members to represent the members at board meetings. Our members have chosen Debbie Golt, who has been attending board meetings and reporting on clubhouse activities. When former NH DHHS Commissioner Nick Toumpas and Dean Carucci, President of Portsmouth Regional Hospital, visited Seacoast Pathways recently she spoke very eloquently about how Seacoast Pathways had impacted her.

Our members are good advocates for mental health services. They make presentations at hospitals and community mental health centers and to mental health providers, and held a booth at Market Square Day in Portsmouth.

The City of Portsmouth has been generous in donating computers as well as some financial support. The Town of Rye passed a warrant article providing support, which we expect will continue. We hope to get some support from all the 14 communities our members come from.

The program is provided free to members as 75% of people with a mental illness don't work and those who do work often work part-time for minimum wages. So a major responsibility of the trustees is to raise money. And as we demonstrate that Seacoast Pathways saves the state money due to reduced hospitalization and incarceration, we hope we'll get support from the Bureau of Behavioral Health and other major institutional support.

The present program is just a beginning that allows us to build a base of stakeholders that we can grow to meet our long term objectives of housing and providing oversight for clients as needed to assure their needs are met.