News & Press

Dear Alumnae, Image source What does Leadership have to do with this pottery bowl? In a note to this year’s class, I referenced a Japanes... Learn More
Behind the scenes, working on issues they feel are important to the IOD, is a not often heard of group called the IOD Consumer Advisory Council (CAC).... Learn More
Good news! NH Leadership has just finished an intensive Validation Review by Granite State College (GSC) and been approved for 5 years. Full certifica... Learn More
ABLE NH, Advocates Building Lasting Equality is a small but growing grassroots organization. ABLE has continued to make a difference in the lives of p... Learn More
This year, two NH Leadership grads completed a year in NH-ME LEND, Cohort of 2017 – Deb Genthner and Alicia Buono! Congratulations to both of them for... Learn More
Lawmakers screen ‘Mr Connolly has ALS’ in Washington Learn More
On Monday, July 17, 2017 Dan Habib travelled to Washington, DC to screen his film Mr. Connolly Has ALS at an event hosted by New Hampshire Congresswom... Learn More
DURHAM, NH – Americans with disabilities continued to engage in the labor market, reaching 15 months of job gains, according to today’s National Trend... Learn More
WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) today announced that the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability (IOD) has been... Learn More
DURHAM, N.H. – From April 23 – 26, 2017, Therese Willkomm, Ph.D., a Clinical Associate Professor at the Institute on Disability was a keynote presente... Learn More