Compendium ADSC - Part of the 2023 Annual Disability Statistics Collection

On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, StatsRRTC at the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability released key findings from the Annual Disability Statistics Collection. The annual report addresses critical gaps in national and state data related to people with disabilities by synthesizing complex data from numerous U.S. federal agencies into accessible formats.

"We're getting our first look at post-COVID statistics for many indicators because the collection of 2020 data was corrupted by the COVID lockdown."
– Andrew Houtenville

The ADSC is designed to make finding and using disability statistics easier for individuals working on legislative and other matters relating to persons with disabilities. 

Key findings from this year's Compendium include:

  • The Annual Disability Statistics Compendium
  • Annual Disability Statistics Supplement
  • State Reports for County-Level Data
  • New and Updated Infographics

Visit to download the Compendium, Supplement, and State Report, and watch live recordings of the four-part Virtual Release of the Annual Disability Compendium, held February 7, 2023, from 12:00–1:15 p.m. ET, with a live, repeated event on February 8, 2023, from 12:00–1:15 p.m. ET.

For more information, contact or call toll-free at 866-538-9521.