Marlyn Curtin, Class of 1988
Jocelyn is now 39 and has been in her own place for the past 9 years. She had been living in a home we had bought for her at Jensen’s’ in Concord and her dad and I recently bought her a home in our neighborhood and moved her there in June. She loves her new place and so do we as she is one street away, so much easier for us with the maintenance too. My husband can drive his lawn tractor over to mow/ snow blow etc. My other kids and grandkids are in Concord and Hooksett, so all are close by. We stop by Joce’s to visit and hang a bit several times a week and are careful not to wear out our welcome and she spends 1 weekend / month with us. She has a wonderful and supportive staff that not only support her but each other. One person has been with her for 18 years and the other over 2 now. Joce has a way of capturing the hearts of people who know and support her and it makes it so much easier to hang onto staff. Her first roommate was with her for over 6 years and they still keep in touch.
It is a lifetime ago, that she was only 9 and I was participating in NH Leadership at UNH. That experience changed not only her life but our whole families and mine as well. She is living the dream that I thought was impossible until Leadership gave it back to me.
Viki and Mike Gayhardt, Classes of 1996 & 1997
Mike and I have joined the One Sky Family Support Council as a team...we hope to give voice to families of adults who are still at home and who are managing family directed services.
Tim Houle, Class of 2015
Hi everyone good Thursday afternoon to you all, hope you are doing well. Missing everyone so much.
I recently spent some time with some of our NH Leadership friends, we went to lunch at the Tuckaway Tavern in Raymond NH. I am still working at Walgreens in Epping (almost 10 years! ), hanging out with my friends and my girlfriend Krissy in Lifeshare every day, doing volunteering at the new life church in Raymond NH and St. John's episcopal church in Portsmouth NH, seeing my brothers and grandma quite often (hoping to get to see them for Christmas! ) , and in my free time, playing video games and reading comics and graphic novels(never giving up on that hobby!) Trying to find another job, but it is not that easy (everything I've applied for wants nights and weekends, but I don't have a way to get there !) Have a great Christmas and a happy new year if I don't see you soon before then, and yes, I'll plan on organizing another get-together for us in January. Love you all. See you soon.
Tim Whitman, Class of 2017
I’m now a program manager of our community participation program with LRCS.
Julie Smith, Class of 2006
This year I shifted to the student role in the NH-ME LEND Program at UNH after several years in the program as Family Faculty and Clinic Coordinator at Seacoast Clinic. Happy to report that my work as an ASD family support specialist continues with the diagnostic team at Community Partners. What’s really amazing is my time this year with my son Phil, who is living his first year out of high school. He has taught me so much! Here’s an article we wrote together>
I am also in my third year of facilitating a Seacoast Parent group, ASD Friends, connecting and learning to support ourselves and our teens/young adults on the Autism Spectrum. Our meeting dates are listed on the Durham Public library event calendar.