From your fellow graduates...

The following are excerpts from their facebook announcements to run for office!

Lisa Beaudoin

Lisa Beaudoin, Class of 2014 (Temple)

With great humility, today I filed to run for the NH House of Representatives, District 25 (Temple, New Ipswich). It feels very weighty to offer to serve my neighbors, to be their voice, in Concord, NH. I hope to convey to voters that I can effectively collaborate to achieve responsible, good governance for ALL regardless of supposed party affiliations. Looking forward to the challenge of the election and, if elected, the real work of serving constituents. The race is on!

Karen Stokes

 Karen Stokes, Class of 2012 (Rochester)

It's official, I am running for State Rep. If you are from ward 4 or 5 or have friends & family in those wards please consider voting. Spread the word........

Gary Carpenter

 Gary Carpenter, Class of 2011 (Peterborough)

We are all in this together!

I have filed to run for state representative of District 24 in Peterborough. After careful consideration I, as an independent candidate in 2014, have decided to run as a moderate republican and to listen and meet on common ground. I am a true outsider, not a politician, who will be fair and make decisions based on logic and reason. I will be fiscally responsible and balance the budget. I will represent and listen to the citizens of Peterborough and hear their challenges. Peterborough will continue to grow through new businesses and better paying jobs that I will support as your representative.

Lisa Aceste DiMartino

Lisa Aceste DiMartino, Class of 2010 (Gilford)

Here we go!! Official filing for NH State Representative, Gilford & Meredith.

Tamara Meyer Le

Tamara Meyer Le, Class of 2010 (North Hampton)

Excited to share I filed papers today to run for election to be your New Hampshire State Representative from Rockingham District #31. (This includes my home community of North Hampton, Ward #3 in Portsmouth, Greenland and Newington.)

Please join me in advocating for what makes our communities strong. As a civil rights and public education advocate, philanthropic leader, communications professional, community volunteer and incorrigibly proud parent, I will endeavor to fight the good fight for what our parents and grandparents fought hard for - and for what you hold dear. Find me on Facbook @Tamara Le for NH Rep.

Maggie Hassan

Maggie Hassan, Class of 1998

As She Filed for Senate, Roll Call Shifted the Race from Leaning in Ayotte’s Favor to “Tossup”

Mariellen J. MacKay

Mariellen J. MacKay, Class of 1998 (Nashua)

Good Afternoon, This morning I officially filed to run for State Representative from Ward 3 in Nashua. I look forward to serving the wonderful people here to the best of my ability. It would be my great honor and privilege to have your support and your vote. Keeping Nashua safe and economically sound is my goal.