UNH-4U is a program for students with an intellectual disability. UNH-4U is for students who:
- Are 18-24 years old (students cannot turn 26 before the end of the 2-year program)
- Have a documented intellectual disability
- Are eligible for special education and/or related services under IDEA (now or in the past)
To see if you or your student meets the requirements to apply, please use our online tool:
UNH-4U Eligibility Online Tool
Read on below for more detail about UNH-4U Eligibility.
Who can attend UNH-4U?
To attend UNH-4U, you need certain characteristics. Please read this document to learn about these characteristics before you apply.
Required characteristics to apply for UNH-4U
- Ages 18-24 (students cannot turn 26 prior to completing the 2 year program)
- Student has a documented intellectual disability
- For assistance, please use our online eligibility tool
- Student is, or was, eligible for special education and/or related services under IDEA
What is intellectual disability?
Because of the way UNH-4U is funded, we can only accept students with intellectual disability. Individuals with intellectual disability have:
- A full scale IQ below 70
- Common IQ tests: WISC (Weschler), WAIS (Weschler), DAS (Differential Abilities Scales)
- Evidence of challenges with adaptive behavior
- This means that individuals have scores below average in assessments of behaviors such as taking care of themselves, independent living, etc).
- Common Adaptive Behavior Assessments: Vineland (VABS), Adaptive Behavior Diagnostic Scale (ABAS), Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale (DABS)
- If you are not sure if you have intellectual disability, we can help.
- Contact us Please do not send personal information in your email. We will give you a secure link for sending personal information.
Additional things to think about:
Please note, UNH-4U does not provide 24/7 supports.
UNH-4U will not be the right fit for all young adults.
Young adults who are successful at UNH-4U also:
- Have a good idea about what they want to study and/or the job they want to have after UNH-4U
- Can do at least 5 hours of homework per week, for each class they have. They can do this homework with or without supports.
- Can be safe on a college campus without someone with them at all times. This means they can make decisions about personal safety and getting along with other people.
- Can take care of themselves. This includes being in charge of:
- Personal hygiene
- Eating healthy food and remembering to eat meals
- Getting to sleep on a healthy schedule