Stacy Driscoll
Professional Background
Stacy joined the IOD in February 2014. She is the Training Director for NH-ME LEND and Project Coordinator for the Staying Safe at Work Training. Prior to these roles, she worked as program coordinator with Assistive Technology in NH and UNH4U. Through the years Stacy has taught in multiple districts throughout NH as special educator, classroom teacher, Title 1 teacher, and paraprofessional. She has her B.A. and M.Ed in Education, and is a Nationally Certified Assistive Technology Professional and holds a graduate certificate in Assistive Technology. She has provided services to individuals with disabilities for 30 years and has conducted trainings and consultation services regionally and nationally including teaching post-secondary courses in both education and assistive technology. Stacy is a lifelong learner excited to share in the learning process with others.
- Nationally Certified Assistive Technology Professional since 2015
- Assistive Technology Graduate Certificate, UNH, 2013
- M.Ed., Educational Studies with concentrations in Learning Disabilities and Counseling, Rivier College, 1996
- B.A., Elementary Education / Special Education, Rivier College, 1991
Courses Taught
- HHS 798/898: SpcTop/Neuro Dev & Rel Disordr