Sara Valli
Sara Valli is the Director of the New Hampshire Statewide Assistive Technology Program (ATinNH) with the Institute on Disability. She is focused on improving access to assistive technology to maximize independence in all life functions at home, in the community, at school and within work settings.<br /><br />Sara Valli was a public-school speech and language pathologist and assistive technology specialist for over 20 years in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. <br />Sara has a passion for assistive technology and accessibility. She has provided a variety of assistive technology based professional development to school-based staff across the country. As an adjunct faculty member, she developed and taught graduate level assistive technology courses for Fitchburg State’s Teacher Licensure Program. <br />During her time as a tenured faculty member at the Santa Rosa Junior College within the Disability Resources Department she coordinated and taught assistive technology, supported the creation of accessible online courses and worked on assistive technology policy. <br />She collaborated with other state leaders on the New Hampshire Assistive Technology Handbook which is available through the DOE.