Marcella is a 2019 NH Leadership Series Graduate and an active advocate for healthcare, education and inclusivity in New Hampshire. In 2020 she was a mentee for the Leadership Series and supported the Leadership staff behind the scenes. In her new role with the Series, Marcella connects with the Leadership community via social media and personal outreach, as well as, supports Leadership Team endeavors.
Marcella is a mother of 3 neurodiverse children. In 2017 she graduated from the Parent Information Center Volunteer Parent Advocate course and since then has been working to help families impacted by disability across New Hampshire access public special education services in school.
Professionally, Marcella comes to the table with a background that varies from public housing admin work to running a professional hairstyling business. In 2020 she ran, but ultimately lost her race for NH State Representative in her district on a disability inclusivity platform.