Karen Volle is a woman with black rimmed glasses and short gray hair wearing a black blouse and silver jewelry

Karen Volle

New England Genetics Collaborative Project Manager
Phone: (603) 862-3454
Office: Institute on Disability, 10 West Edge Drive Rm 101, Durham, NH 03824

Professional Background

Karen has been with the IOD since February 2008 . Directly before this position Karen worked as a research assistant with the Crimes Against Children Center at UNH. Karen has a strong background in human services, having directed a Juvenile Intake program for eighteen years prior to working at UNH. This experience spanned child welfare, the juvenile court system and social services, and helped Karen learn to look across systems as well as to manage day to day activities. She now uses those skills here at the IOD.


  • B.A., Psychology, Coe College