Professional Background
Ann joined the Institute on Disability in 2013 after working as the Director of Outcomes and Evaluations for a System of Care network in Cincinnati, OH. Ann has over 12 years of experience in the mental health and developmental disabilities service systems in both Ohio and New Jersey, including work on a government advisory council on disability issues and work on a New Jersey Governor’s Initiative program to help prevent the institutionalization of children with multiple disabilities. Her experience is mainly in the area of program outcomes and evaluation, but also includes work in program development, licensure compliance and quality assurance activities.
Selected Publications
Kramer, J. M., Guerrero, F., Caoili, A., Beasley, J. B., Kalb, L., Klein, A., & Goode, T. D. (2023). Telehealth information and communication technology access for family caregivers of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental health needs.. Disabil Health J, 16(3), 101463. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2023.101463