An afternoon of team building at UNH’s Browne Center for Innovative Learning has become a NH-ME LEND annual tradition. On September 8, 2023, this year’s cohort and faculty gathered from across their home states of Maine and New Hampshire and headed into the woods of Durham, NH for an afternoon of team building. Setting the stage for a full year of leadership development, this year was no exception to the history of energy and enthusiasm permeating this unforgettable day.

Trainees and faculty laughed together and supported each other through numerous challenges (including a dramatic thunderstorm!) presented by the Browne Center staff. Large group activities helped the cohort gel as a complete unit and laid a foundation of respect, inclusivity, reflective communication, and respectful collaboration. The trainees were also introduced to their LEND teams and began to identify the values that will be important for their group. Together, they named their interdisciplinary teams, shared their individual talents, and identified the supports they felt were needed to be successful in their leadership journey together.

Welcome to the 2024 NH-ME LEND cohort!  Go Teams!

  • five LEND trainees gathered around a table drawing a poster that says Community LEND

    Community LEND: Elizabeth Delioso, Christina Giannopoulous, Shannon Laine, Sabitri Rayamajhi, Rachel Williams

  • five LEND trainees gathered around a table, in a room full of other trainees working together at tables. One of the trainees at this table is drawing flowers on a poster that says Vernal Bloom

    Vernal Bloom: Emily Conners, Hana Chouinard, Seana Hallberg, Nathaniel Livernois, Fozia Robleh, Klarissa Wankle

  • three LEND trainees chuckle together as one person holds up their poster: A drawing of a rocket blasting off under the name Inclusionauts.

    Inclusionauts: Ali Aicha, Danielle Heaton, Madelyn Kooima, Kasey McBlais, Emily Seymour

  • a couple of LEND trainees work on a poster of a tree with green grass below and the words Throwing Shade to Stigma written on it. There are two pairs of sunglasses resting on the poster as well.

    Throwing Shade to Stigma: Cynthia Cushing, Rachelle Enes, Jamie Gallagher Driscoll, Callie Laprise, Stephanie Lloyd, Katherine Russum