In their latest report, COVID-19 Vaccination Access and Information, the NH Developmental Disabilities partners aim to improve COVID-19 vaccine access for older adults and people with disabilities by exploring common barriers and concerns with the booster. Over 625 people responded to the IOD's questions in the Granite State Poll about their vaccination status, concerns with and interest in the COVID-19 booster, and barriers to accessing vaccinations. The following is a summary of the report's findings.

Percent Vaccinated

Pie chart demonstrating the percent of recipients who reported they were vaccinated (76%)

76% Fully Vaccinated
1.4% Partially Vaccinated
22.6% Unknown

Percent Interested in Booster 

Pie chart demonstrating the percent of respondents interested in receiving a booster shot (78%).

78% of vaccinated respondents said they would get a booster shot


It has not been an easy straight forward process at all.
There were snags at every turn even though we were
eligible to receive the vaccine. 


Top Reported Concerns with Booster

Hazard symbol79.5% Don’t trust that it’s safe

thermometer indicating a fever 52.9% Not effective

needle filled with fluid41.8% First dose was enough

Key Barriers to Accessing Vaccination

mouse hovers over the world wide webAccessing the (VAMS) website

car Finding or getting to a location
notepad with question markConfusion about eligibility, availability, and safety

Top Recommendations

To ensure older adults and people with disabilities have access to vaccines and up to date information for vaccine education, the NH Developmental Disabilities partners recommends:

  • Considering accessibility throughout the process.
  • Educating health care providers about providing accommodations for people with disabilities (communication, physical access, etc.).
  • Recognizing the importance of family caregivers and support professionals in supporting the health of people with disabilities.

As a next step, the task force will compile and share resources that address some of the report's key findings. This information will be made available on the IOD's website. 

Download the full report