Our Spectacular Star Party

by Michelle Petersen, Class of 2016

Picture of Saturn

My husband, David, and I were the lucky bid winners of the Star Party donated by Emily James class of 2009 for the NH Leadership Auction. 

We turned our star party into a gathering of more than twenty friends and family members, and enjoyed burgers and beverages on a beautiful August evening at our home in New Boston. 

Initially, the conditions were questionable for star-gazing but around 8:30pm the sky cleared up beautifully and Emily was able to point out many of the summer constellations. In addition, we were able to view Saturn through Emily's telescope. 

Many thanks to Emily for making the trek out to New Boston and for being the impetus for a summer barbecue!

Congratulations to Jim Watson, Leadership Class of 2014, on winning the Pfizer Dare to Try award!  

Participants in Learn To Work Program with Jim Watson

The Dare to Try Awards celebrate innovation at Pfizer and encourage sharing and learning across the organization. The biannual awards recognize the most innovative colleagues and the ideas that their teams have developed.  The Andover Learn to Work Program that Jim launched at Pfizer won this award. 

Download the poster for more details >

Congratulations Eric Brand class of 2012 and Donna Brand class of 2011; the Nashua Legacy Playground is an amazing accomplishment! 

See Eric, Donna and others in PIC’s newsletter Recognizing NH's Leaders in Parent Involvement in Education.

Heidi Cloutier, Class of 2014

Heidi CloutierI am serving my second term on the SAC (State Advisory Council for Special Education), became a certified SOS (Signs of Suicide) Trainer by Screening for Mental Health this December. I am finishing up my last quarter in the University of Connecticut’s PBIS TOT program (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Training of Trainers) and most importantly have become a better advocate for my children who have both transitioned OUT of special education and are doing AMAZING!  I feel so blessed to have had the support and education to get them both the early supports and community connections they needed to thrive. 

I continue to work on Youth Leadership, co-training another great group of 34 youth leaders last summer at the Annual Conference for School Culture, Climate and Positive Behavior Support and presented with Youth leaders from several NH schools at the NH Transition Summit this fall. I will be presenting with YouthMove at the National Association of Positive Behavioral Supports Conference in Denver this February.  

Another role I have is on the NH Children’s Behavioral Health Collaborative Workforce Network, where I head up the In-service workgroup. This group has created 16 short videos which address many of the children’s behavioral health core competencies (there are several more online training videos in the works) for anyone interested in Children’s behavioral health. Please encourage Leadership participants to check them out.

I am also providing a training for Daniel Webster Council Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders on how to include & support students with Autism, ADHD and other behavioral disorders in scouting the evening of March 8th in Nashua, NH. 

Hope you are well!

Crissy Shaffer, Class of 2009

I graduated from MCPHS University in December 2016 with my M.P.A.S. (Masters in Physician Assistant Studies). I was also inducted into the Pi Alpha Honor Society based on my G.P.A.

Bebe CaseyBebe Casey, Class of 2017

I was appointed to SAC for the DOE. I was invited to join the stakeholder group at the DOE for the rollout of HB1644, and attended the first meeting in Monday. It was very exciting!  And I submitted my declaration of candidacy to run for Kearsarge School District School board.




Heidi ToursieHeidi Toursie, Class of 2016

After 13.5 years as the Family Engagement Specialist with SNHS Inc., Head Start, I have accepted another opportunity.  In February, I will start with NAMI NH as a Family and Community Support Specialist.  I am very excited to be in a position to help families like mine, who have a loved one struggling with mental health challenges.





Nicole Varasteh, Class of 2017

Nicole VarastehI helped start a parent of sped children support group for our school district. This was with the help of Sarah Sadowski class of 2017, and Amy Giourard class of 2014, who helped convince me it was a good idea and to come up with a nice flyer and agenda together. Of course without the NH Leadership Series, I wouldn't have ever thought of organizing this group. The skills and discussions as well as support I received really have been an amazing thing to allow me to advocate for my community. I am amazed how our school admin from the superintendent to the principals and staff are all just so supportive. I hope and pray this will help parents and caregivers. Our next meeting is on March 16, 2017 at Abbot-Downing school in Concord and our Students Service Director will be presenting transition from elementary all the way to High school and how our children are included etc. I'm looking forward to it, and hope for a great discussion. Thanks for having this wonderful series which has helped me grow in ways I never imagined.

Nancy Glynn , Class of 2017

Nancy Glynn with NH Senator Maggie HassanThe Women's March in Concord was such a fabulous experience. The opportunity to speak out about how important it is to advocate for ourselves and our communities was amazing. Using our life experiences as a motivating factor to make real change happen and how sometimes at our weakest moments we are truly at our strongest were the messages I was hoping to instill in the audience there that day. 

Leadership definitely helped open my eyes to realize how impactful I could truly be. The confidence in myself helped me to stand in front of SO MANY people and without the first few sessions of Leadership under my belt I'm not sure I would have been able to do it. Nancy Glynn with NH Senators at Women's March

I was also so star struck to speak alongside some amazing people. Senators Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen are two women that I admire especially with some of the recent work they've been doing in DC. Author Jodi Picoult was also inspiring to meet. I was a small fish swimming amongst the whales and that day will live on in my memory.


Nancy Glynn at Women's March