We hope this finds you well as we approach the holiday season. The 2015-2016 NH LEND cohort is composed of 23 dedicated trainees in 11 disciplines from Maine and NH. Trainees are benefiting from their work in team based learning groups as LEND improves its partnerships with surrounding community stakeholders. This year we welcome a new leader in Alan Cobo-Lewis from the University of Maine, two new clinical partners, and three new Leadership in Action partnerships.

In this issue of the NH LEND newsletter read on to learn about: Dr. Cobo-Lewis' background and dedication to the field of maternal and children health and disability, current and former trainees' experience at the Association for University Centers on Disability (AUCD) fall conference, alumni Jen Decker's reflections on her year and LEND, and our new partners.

trainee news Faculty Highlights alumni updates partner highlights