2023 Spring Event Resources

Thank you for attending the 2023 Charting the LifeCourse Information and Planning Event. We wanted to compile all the tools you have learned about during the 2023 Spring Event into an easy to access resource.

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2023 Spring Event summary flyer PDF

Recapture the 2023 NH Charting the LifeCourse Information and Planning Event with a summary of Charting the LifeCourse and useful links for resources.

Principles PDF

All people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their own life aspirations. See how the Charting the LifeCourse Framework helps make this happen with these principles.

Life Trajectory 2023 event PDF

All people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their own life aspirations. See how the Charting the LifeCourse Framework helps make this happen with these principles.

Life Domains 2023 event PDF

Forming a vision and beginning to plan for the future in each of the life domains helps plot a trajectory for a full, inclusive, quality life in the community. This tool is to help individuals of all ages start to think about a more specific vision for life in the future and narrow down what life domain(s) to focus on at this point in time.

Three Buckets of Support 2023 event PDF

The strategies for supporting individuals and their families can be organized into three categories (or buckets):

  • Discovery and Navigation
  • Connecting and Networking
  • Goods and Services

Integrated Supports Star 2023 event PDF

Identify the supports you are using now and think about other supports that might be helpful. The right supports can help ensure your quality of life. Some supports are centered around relationships, technology, or personal strengths and assets. Others are based on eligibility criteria or are supports that anyone in the community can access. Using various supports in combination can help you achieve your vision of a good life.

Getting Started Portfolio 2023 event PDF

Begin using the Charting the LifeCourse framework tools with the “Getting Started Portfolio”. Included in this portfolio is: One Page Profile, Life Trajectory, and the Integrated Supports Star.

Expanded Portfolio 2023 event PDF

Expand your use of Charting the LifeCourse framework tool with this “Expanded Portfolio”. Included in this portfolio is:

  • One Page Profile
  • Life Domain
  • Life Trajectory
  • Integrated Supports Star and the Three Buckets