Stephen Meister, MD, MHSA spoke to the LEND faculty and trainees on child traumatic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences.  Dr. Meister is a Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician on the Pediatric Rapid Evaluation Program team at the Edmund Ervin Pediatric Center at Maine General Medical Center.  The Pediatric Rapid Evaluation Team is devoted to meeting the medical and psychological needs of children in foster care and children are seen only upon referral by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.  Dr. Meister talked about the biology and physiology of traumatic stress and the consequences of child trauma on development.  His talk was illustrated with numerous case examples from his practice and highlighted aspects of the diagnostic process for children who have experienced traumatic stress.  The day concluded with recommendations and resources for family members and professionals who are supporting high-risk children. Dr. Meister has extensive training in child traumatic stress and is actively involved in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.  He and his team provide clinical mentorship to NH-ME LEND trainees each year. 

Learn more about the Edmund Ervin Pediatric Center at Maine General Medical Center >   

Learn more about the National Child Traumatic Stress Network >  

Learn more about the ACEs Study >