
Our postdocs are offered additional formal and informal training that provides for the development of research skills. Below is a list of opportunities available to ARRT postdocs, depending on their experience to date

Mini-practicum with IOD faculty:

  • Survey sampling and weighting
  • Introduction to grant applications
  • Disability Policy
  • Disability and the Labor Force
  • Qualitative research

Graduate courses at UNH available to audit (2 semesters of training, on average):

Other opportunities (some may require additional application processes and not all postdocs may be eligible):

  • Coursera short courses
  • Junior Scholar Intensive Training at University of Wisconsin:
    Training in Social Security Administration policy and research. One week of training in Madison, Wisconsin, coupled with mentorship and small funding opportunity.
  • AUCD Leadership Academy:
    Training in leadership for disability researchers and advocates. Features one week of on-site training in Atlanta, Georgia, and on-going group mentorship for one year.
  • UNH Research and Engagement Academy:
    The Research and Engagement Academy consists of workshops and coaching over four months with a focus on interdisciplinary grant writing.