
The UNH Employment ARRT program is designed to generate high-quality researchers with the necessary skills to investigate the impacts of government programs, social and workplace factors, and employer practices on the employment of people with disabilities.

In the short term, our program increases the number of highly qualified, interdisciplinary researchers, including researchers with disabilities. In the intermediate-term, this generates more innovative strategies to improve disability and employment policies, programs, and practices. This will ultimately result in better employment opportunities and outcomes for people with disabilities.

Research Produced by our Post-docs since 2021


14 Presentations Given


11 Peer Reviewed Publications
(accepted or under review)


3 Other Publications released


5 Investigators on Grant Proposals

Topics of Research Include

  • Intersection of LGBT and disability identity at work

  • Caregiving, work and disability during the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Barriers to employment for people with disabilities

  • Protective Role of SSA Disability Programs during Covid-19