Center for Public Representation Initiative for Supported Decision Making

Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is an effective alternative to guardianship that is gaining momentum in Massachusetts and nationwide.  Supported Decision-Making gives people more independence, more dignity, more freedom.

The Center for Public Representation (CPR) is a national legal advocacy center for people with disabilities.  Founded in the mid-1970s, CPR uses legal strategies, advocacy, and policy to promote the integration and full community participation of people with disabilities and all others who are devalued in today’s society.

Our Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Initiative seeks to advance a viable alternative to the antiquated system of guardianship and ensure people with disabilities can exercise choice in all aspects of their lives.  Under the SDM model, individuals select supporters – friends, family members, peers – to help them make decisions.  SDM offers an effective approach that can help the estimated 1.5 million Americans under guardianship reclaim their voice.

Cost: This is a free resource

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