Stacia Bach is a woman with brown wavy hair pulled back. She's wearing wide rimmed glasses and a dark blue blazer.

Stacia Bach

Policy Analyst
Phone: (603) 862-1306
Office: UNH CHHS Institute on Disability, 10 West Edge, Durham, NH 03824

Stacia’s background as a direct support professional and her experience administering disability-related Title II and Title XVI programs at the Social Security Administration (SSA) dovetail with her analytical and research design skills, directly supporting her work at the IOD. At the SSA, she processed SSI, SSDI, Medicare, and retirement claims, as well as post-adjudicative actions such as overpayments, representative payee applications, and SSI redeterminations. Stacia is primarily working on Disability Statistics and Demographics Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (StatsRRTC) projects, including the Disability Statistics Collection—a suite of statistical products—and will provide technical assistance with IOD published statistics. Her work on the Collection will be focused on updating Disability Statistics Compendium data tables, contributing to the Annual Report on People with Disabilities in America, producing infographics, and designing surveys for program evaluation. She looks forward to using research-based approaches to improve programs and access for people with disabilities.