Elizabeth is a woman with short blonde hair and glasses wearing a yellow shirt and striped cardigan.

Elizabeth Grosso

Director of Training & Professional Development
Phone: (603) 228-2084 ext. 23
Office: Institute on Disability, 10 West Edge Drive, Durham, NH 03824

Professional Background

Beth joined the Institute on Disability in 2015 as the Training Coordinator for the National Center for START Services having previously served as a NH START Clinical Team Leader at a local developmental services Area Agency. Beth has experience in service coordination, outpatient mental health therapy, training development and delivery, program evaluation, and leadership. In her current role as the Director of Training & Professional Development, Beth oversees the NCSS training and professional development department, ensuring the quality and rigor of training and professional development offerings by the National Center for START Services. She is also involved in two ongoing research projects with NCSS that seek to promote the inclusion of people with lived experience and their families in all aspects of the research process:

To learn more about these and other research projects from the National Center for START Services you can visit the NCSS Grant Funded Research page.


  • M.S.W., Social Work, University of New Hampshire
  • B.A., Sociology, University of New Hampshire