Leadership Class 2019

Happy summer everyone!

As I sit here ready to write my first newsletter as Leadership Coordinator, I would like to thank those who came before me for this grand opportunity. I am the mom of two amazing kids. I’ve been married for 26 years to the same supportive man (who I am still trying to convince to apply for Leadership!). I am a NH Leadership graduate of the Class of 2006, NH/ME LEND trainee class of 2017, and member of the Leadership team for over 10 years! I am humbled and excited to follow in the footsteps of amazing leaders, teachers, and advocates Beth Dixon, Frank Sgambati, Ann Dillon, and Mary Schuh, my mentors, and friends! The Class of 2019 graduated in April and hit the ground running as they set their sights on making a difference for themselves, those they love, and our amazing state of New Hampshire! Presenting at conferences; running for office; testifying about dental care, paid family medical leave, and the need for mobile crises units – our graduates are making their voices heard.

Never a dull moment for our Leadership team... our Concord office has moved from Old Suncook Road to Regional Drive. Moving 30 years of equipment, books, photographs, data, and memories was quite an undertaking, physically and emotionally... ah, the memories! We are just about settled in and ready for visitors.

Recruiting for the Leadership Class of 2020 is in full swing. The class is taking shape and we want to be sure all areas of New Hampshire are represented. If you know someone who could benefit from the NH Leadership Series experience from the Seacoast or the North Country, please nominate them today:


Deb Genthner headshot

Best always, 
