For more than 25 years, Alan Kurtz has provided training and technical assistance to teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, and state and private agency staff on inclusive education, positive behavior supports, and person-centered planning to enhance the quality of life of individuals with autism and their families.  In 2012, Alan was named the Area Coordinator of Autism and Education at the University of Maine’s Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies.  He coordinates research and training activities across the state of Maine including federally funded projects on the transition of youth to adult life.  A member of the NH-ME LEND faculty since 2011, Alan has shared his expertise with LEND trainees to promote their understanding of individuals with autism and the role of person-centered planning to support successful transition to adult life.  Alan was a member of the team that attended the Interdisciplinary Leadership Learning Collaborative (ILLC) hosted by the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill in 2012 and has worked since then to design and implement the Interdisciplinary Leadership Intensive sessions that form the core of the NH-ME LEND leadership curriculum.  Additionally, Alan has been a leader on curriculum development related to health equity and the culturally and linguistically sensitive care as well as studying the impact of team-based learning within the NH-ME LEND program. 

Read more about Alan’s professional accomplishments and many publications: