A New Partner Highlight

Disability Rights Center-NH (DRC-NH), is dedicated to eliminating barriers in New Hampshire that limit the full and equal enjoyment of civil rights and opportunities of individuals with disabilities. Since DRC-NH’s creation in 1978, it has served as the designated Protection and Advocacy agency in the state and is authorized by federal statute “to pursue legal, administrative and other appropriate remedies” on behalf of individuals with disabilities. DRC-NH serves individuals with disabilities throughout New Hampshire and is fully independent of state government and service providers. 

DRC-NH provides information, referral, advice, legal representation, and advocacy on a wide range of disability-related problems including special education, access to quality services, health care, employment, housing, public benefits, access to voting and other fundamental civil rights, and the elimination of physical barriers in public accommodations.  DRC-NH’s authority includes access to facilities to conduct monitoring activities such as site visits and speaking to individuals who receive services.  

DRC-NH, in collaboration with the UNH Institute on Disability and the Developmental Disabilities Council, distributes a quarterly publication called the RAP sheet, to educate community members and policy makers about the latest research, policy, practice, and advocacy issues affecting individuals with disabilities and their families.  

Join us in welcoming DRC-NH to the LEND Network!