- JoAnne Malloy received the Collaborative Research Excellence (CoRE) Interdisciplinary Working Group award from the UNH Sr. Vice Provost for Research to support “Effective Supports for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges.” This project will bring together UNH faculty in Social Work, Education, Psychology, experts from the Carsey School of Public Policy and Cooperative Extension, state and community policy makers, and family and youth to engage in a yearlong conversation about some of our most vulnerable youth and families. The goal is to create an interdisciplinary research agenda and form new working relationships within the university and with community partners.
- In July, the Center on Aging & Community Living received a two-year grant award in the amount of $185,311 from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation to support the development of advocates for older adults through the NH Senior Leadership Alumni Network (SLAN). The project is a collaboration with AARP NH and the Dartmouth Centers for Health and Aging. Building on the Senior Leadership Series, SLAN will further develop a grassroots effort for Series alumni to engage in an advocacy network. Additional goals of the project include inviting alumni to help develop and leverage the upcoming 2018 Senior Leadership Series, and building the alumni networks at both a local and state level.