Behind the scenes, working on issues they feel are important to the IOD, is a not often heard of group called the IOD Consumer Advisory Council (CAC). Comprised of persons who have a disability and family members, this group meets 4 times per year and works on advising the IOD on projects, giving their input on anything from grant submissions to the IOD’s Strategic Plan. Their input is greatly valued by the IOD. Says Linda Bimbo, Acting Director of the IOD, "Our focus is to advance policy and practice for and with people with disabilities, their families and communities. The importance of receiving consistent and ongoing consumer feedback from the CAC is vital to the mission of the IOD.”
The skills that members have learned in NH Leadership have helped them serve the IOD in new ways. Bonnie Dunham, Class of 1988, says, "I learned that the IOD values the input they receive from the CAC. The input that we provide informs the IOD on the value of the Leadership Series." Deodonne Bhattari, Class of 2016, added "Leadership introduced me to and taught me how to navigate a complex system of direct services and advocacy organizations, including the IOD. It gave me the opportunity to develop relationships with folks from the IOD and learn first hand the important role I could play while serving on the CAC."
Many of the members listed below are NH Leadership grads. The CAC as of June 2017 includes the following members:
- Amy Girouard
- Amy Howe
- Bob English
- Bonnie Dunham
- Cabrinni Kulish
- Darienne McGuinness
- Deodonne Bhattarai
- Forrest Beaudoin-Friede
- Gina Colantuoni
- Jennifer Bertrand
- Jill Prakop
- Jim Tobin
- Kathryn Wallenstein
- Linda Wadensten
- Lisa Beaudoin
- Marie Primeau
- Richard Johnson
- Sandy Hicks
- Steve Alexander