The NH Leadership Series graduates in the NH-ME LEND 2017 Graduating Class. Congratulations to these enterprising and strong women! We know you will bring new knowledge and fresh ideas to all of the lives and systems you touch!

Deb Genthner, NHLS Class of 2006, and Administrative Support Extraordinaire in the NH Leadership Series program made the commitment to join LEND this year as her children are growing and she wanted to expand her education and training. She had to give up some of her biking time, but is loving the LEND program. Deb has a background in business administration and marketing and received her BS degree from UMaine. She is in the LEND program as a Family Trainee. She is enjoying her clinical placements at Dartmouth and her Leadership placement at NH Family Voices where she is working on projects to help the staff there. Her clinical placements are at Community Partners in Dover (Early Supports and Services) and at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Genetics.


Deb GenthnerI am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this amazing LEND class.  Understanding perspectives from all sides as we use a ‘interdisciplinary approach’ to healthcare systems and deepening my understanding of federal issues as we advocate has allowed me to fill my tool box with useful knowledge and connections for the future.


Alicia Buono, NHLS Class of 2015, also found that she could make the LEND program work in her life as her youngest daughter Finley went off to Kindergarten. Alicia has a background in Communications and Marketing and is also part of LEND as a Family Trainee. Alicia is using her communications experience in her LEND Leadership Placement in working with Dan Habib at the IOD on marketing and communications. She has her clinical placements in Dartmouth, the Seacoast Child Development Clinic and Community Crossroads. 

Leadership changed my life in many ways. I learned so much from the curriculum of the program as well as my dynamic classmates. I saw everything from my day-to-day life to the educational system to my political point-of-view differently. I am now motivated to bridge my career in marketing and business development to my passion for the disability community and LEND is the next step in that journey.