Thank you all for taking your civic duty so seriously that you decided to run for office.  This takes time, resources, and lots of energy and we are grateful! 

Congratulations to...

Mariellen MacKayMariellen MacKay who is newly elected NH State Representative from Ward 3 in Nashua and is a  Leadership grad from 1994.

Mariellen adds “As a Legislator it is always a good thing to listen, learn and to be kind.  People Matter and so do their thoughts, opinions, concerns and ideas.” 





Tamara Le who is the NH State Representative from Rockingham District #31 (North Hampton, Ward #3 in Portsmouth, Greenland and Newington.) Tamara graduated from the NH Leadership Series in 2010.

Tamara replied, "If you don't have a seat at the table, then you're probably on the menu."  In the current atmosphere, no one has more at stake than you/your loved one.  NHLS grads simply have to run for office. It's your obligation. As NHLS grads, I know you feel that truth gnaw at you day after day. Whether it be school board, state rep, community organizer or the PTA, know wherever your voice is heard it has power. Wherever you have a position, you have a vote. And whether you like it or not, everything you work for in the name of inclusion and equality, will be eaten for lunch if you don't fight to the end to protect it.