
diverse youth sharing pizza outside on a sunny day

Wildcats for Recovery is a UNH campus initiative to support students with substance use challenges. We envision a future in which all UNH students have access to information, services, and support to help them make healthy choices about their use of drugs and alcohol. 

We are a community founded on harm reduction and strive to empower students to make choices that feel right to them. 

Harm reduction is a human first approach, built on the understanding that abstinence may not be the goal for everyone. Harm reduction prioritizes meeting people where they are and minimizing the harmful effects of substance use.

    We offer:

    • Weekly peer recovery meetups 
    • 1:1 peer support
    • Assistance connecting to campus or community supports, e.g., tutoring, counseling, social groups, food/ housing resources
    • Weekly substance-free social events
    • Educational programming
    • Family/ caregiver supports
    speech bubble with blue text reading Recovery Spoken Here and the UNH logo

    A Word on Language

    Whether we know it or not, our words carry weight and meaning. When used inappropriately, language can have a destructive impact on societal issues. We recommend using what's called person-first language to avoid reinforcing stereotypes or stigma about substance use challenges.

    Below are some examples.

    Instead of This, ... Try This.

    Disabled person…  Person with a disability. 
    Addict…  Person with a substance use disorder. 
    Drug abuse…  Substance use.
    Relapse…  Recurrence. 

    Clean/ Dirty…  Is/ Isn't currently using substances. 
    Alcoholic…  Person with alcohol dependence. 
    Former addict…  Person in recovery.


    UNH Supportive Recovery Campus Community

    Wildcats for Recovery is sponsored by the UNH Supportive Recovery Campus Community (SRCC). Established in the spring of 2021, UNH SRCC is a collaboration of faculty, staff, and students.

    UNH SRCC Partners

    • Institute on Disability
    • Health and Wellness
    • Student Life
    • Office of Community, Equity and Diversity
    • Engelhardt Hall, Substance-Free Housing
    • College of Physical Sciences & Engineering
    • Department of Social Work
    • Recreation Management & Policy
    • Beauregard Center
    • Psychological and Counseling Services
    • Military and Veteran Services
    • Student Senate
    • Student Clubs
    • Student interns: currently 3 MSW students, 2 BSW students