Wildcats for Recovery

Wildcats for Recovery
A racially diverse group of happy young adults outdoors on a sunny day


Wildcats for Recovery is a UNH campus initiative to support students with substance use challenges. Wildcats for Recovery is a community open to any UNH students, individuals in recovery, and recovery allies alike. We encourage any UNH student looking to explore their relationship with substances, with loved ones who struggle with substance use, or individuals simply looking to connect without the influence of alcohol or other drugs, to check out our peer support group, or drop in on one of our weekly substance free events!

Unless otherwise stated, no preregistration or fees are required to attend Wildcats for Recovery peer groups and events.

Our Values

  • Unconditional care, no blame or shame
  • Valuing lived experience and peer support
  • Amplifying voices of people from marginalized communities
  • Embracing all paths to recovery and wellness

Our Mission

  • Equip UNH faculty, staff, and students with knowledge and resources to support one another
  • Counter stigma and bias with open conversations and factual information
  • Build resilience by fostering social connections
  • Make UNH a supportive community where individuals with substance use challenges can access supports and thrive
Association of Recovery in Higher Education
Wildcats for Recovery is a member of the Association of Recovery in Higher Education