NH LEND Trip to Washington DC

Last week 20 NH LEND trainees and fellows attended the Disability Policy Seminar in Washington, DC with Betsy Humphreys, Susan Russell, Patrick Shannon and Alan Kurtz. The purpose of the seminar is to build bipartisan support on Capitol Hill for high-priority disability issues by providing trainees, family members and individuals with disabilities with information to help educate members of Congress and their staff on the priorities of the I/DD community.

Maine Trainees at the 2015 Disability Policy Seminar in DC

The seminar is hosted by the Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, The Arc, and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities. This year trainees and fellows visited NH and Maine Congressional delegates and provided information on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as it relates to students with disabilities.

In a few short weeks we will be saying “Farewell” to our LEND 2015 cohort. They are a dynamic group of professionals and we have had a great year together. We know that the good work they are doing in NH and Maine will continue.