Upon completion of the program, trainees will earn two digital badges (Level I: Practicing Crisis Responder and Level II: Certified Crisis Responder) and a certificate of completion issued by the University of New Hampshire. The NH Crisis Responder Certification is specific to the role of the crisis responder, offering a credential issued by the University of New Hampshire, where none previously existed.
There are two levels of credentialing associated with the crisis responder certification.

Level I: Practicing Crisis Responder
- Prerequisite: None
- Confirms successful completion of 15-week asynchronous course and in-person seminars.
- Enables those not currently employed by a CMHC Rapid Response team to seek employment.

Level II: Certified Crisis Responder
- Prerequisite: Level I Credential
Confirms completion of trainees’ on-the-job mentorship hours (15) and passing scores on certification exam.
Note: Employment on a Rapid Response team is required to complete the on-the-job mentoring component and to qualify for the certification exams (written and practical).
Certification Exam
Exam Eligibility: Proof of Level I Badge and completion of fifteen (15) on-the-job mentoring hours.
Both the written and practical exams are administered during one two-hour testing session in a two-part format (one hour each).
Written exam: Conducted in-person; must be completed on site with a RRCT Instructor present. Intended to assess general knowledge of crisis response competencies. Written exam will be made available in plain language and in adapted formats to ensure accessibility for all learning levels and abilities.
Practical exam: Conducted in-person; Instructor will observe the demonstration of the nine (9) critical competencies as the trainee responds to a variety of prepared scenarios designed to mimic crisis response in the field.
About UNH Digital Badges
The micro-credentials issued above each come with a corresponding Digital Badge. Digital badges are effective as resume builders in part because they are tangible evidence of learning. A UNH digital badge is an electronic representation of a skill, achievement, or experience. It contains detailed information about the skill or experience which enables viewers to ascertain what activities and/or assessments the learner completed. Badges represent successful completion of a variety of learning experiences in credit and non-credit coursework.