Living and Working with Long COVID

The Institute on Disability is partnering with the Postive Work Experiences Research (PoWER) Team on this Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP), funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).
PoWER and the IOD, led by PI Vidya Sundar, IOD Research Faculty and Co-PI, Debra Brucker, and IOD Associate, Shreya Paul, will be looking at the experiences and outcomes of people with disabilities living and working with Long COVID. This is a five year project that will run from 2023-2028.
The goal of this DRRP is to understand the health and function, community living, and employment related experiences and outcomes of individuals with disabilities who also experience Long COVID and to test a novel employee-driven intervention based on job crafting to balance workplace demands and resources with the ultimate goal of achieving positive work outcomes.
Learn more about this project on the Postive Work Experiences Research (PoWER) Team webpage