On May 7, 2021, over 50 Leadership Partners, UNH, and U-Maine faculty and disability leaders virtually joined the graduating 2021 LEND cohort for the annual Capstone Poster Session and year-end celebration.
Presenting their posters in breakout sessions, trainees reported on their capstone projects which were conducted in community-based placements throughout the academic year. These placements included state agencies, public health initiatives, advocacy organizations, and other partners in the developmental disabilities network. The poster presentations spanned numerous topics including Early Childhood Systems and Supports, Transition, Self-Determination, Health Equity, and Systems and Policy. Through these projects, LEND trainees had the opportunity to learn about collaborative community relationships on large-scale projects and foster their individual leadership development.
Kelly Nye-Lengerman, Director of the Institute on Disability, closed the poster session by welcoming trainees to a network of promise. She asked them to reflect upon their journey thus far and envision their future professional life encompassing their passions, talents, and personal missions to make the world a better place for all people, especially those with developmental disabilities.
The virtual session wrapped up with faculty mentors acknowledging the extraordinary effort and dedication of each trainee to disability leadership. Though this cohort has never met in person, they will always be remembered for their impressive cohesion and mutual dedication to interdisciplinary leadership.
Please take a moment to view these posters on the UNH Graduate Research Conference website, Student Research Media Gallery.