We hope this finds you well and enjoying the spring weather. In just a few short weeks our program will be winding down and we will be celebrating the accomplishments of this dynamic cohort! This year has gone by quickly, and trainees have been engaged in a wide variety of activities across our two states.

While there were many high points this year, our trip to the Disability Policy Seminar in Washington, DC was especially timely and memorable.  The conference was held on March 20-22, just before the Congressional vote on the American Health Care Act of 2017.  Trainees attended two press conferences on Capitol Hill; one with Former Vice President, Joe Biden and Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi and the second with Senators Bob Casey, Maggie Hassan, and former Senator Tom Harkin. To prepare for the trip to DC, LEND trainees from NH and Maine worked with faculty members Kay Johnson and Alan Cobo-Lewis to prepare a policy ME LEND Trainees at Disability Policy Seminarbrief and talking points on the proposed restructuring of Medicaid and the impact that would have on critically needed services for children and youth with developmental disabilities and special health care needs and their families. 

On March 22, NH-ME LEND trainees joined hundreds of disability advocates on Capitol Hill to speak to Congressional delegates about this issue.  Trainees have continued their advocacy at the local level since returning home. 

Well done trainees-keep it up!
