2014-2015 LEND Cohort

We hope this finds you well and enjoying the fall weather! NH LEND welcomed the 2015 Cohort of trainees and fellows on September 5th this year. The program has 22 trainees and fellows from 9 disciplines; 17 from New Hampshire and 5 from Maine. During this academic year trainees and fellows will complete a minimum of 300 hours of graduate-level interdisciplinary leadership training in the area of neurodevelopmental disabilities in three Core Areas: didactic instruction, leadership skill development and clinical training.

Congratulations to NH LEND 2014 graduates Laura Valencia, Kimberly Davis and Robin deAlmeida who presented posters at the Association of University Centers on Disability Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on Monday November 10.

It’s hard to believe, but we are preparing to recruit for the 2015-2016 academic year. If you have a colleague or friend who has earned a bachelor’s degree and has an interest in developing their leadership skills please send them our way.

This year trainees will be introduced to Team-Based Learning in the LEND Seminar. Team-Based Learning (TBL; Michaelsen, Knight & Fink, 2006) is a form of collaborative learning that uses a specific sequence of individual work, group work and immediate feedback to create a learning environment where students hold each other accountable for coming to class prepared and contributing to discussion. At the beginning of the semester trainees and fellows are placed in permanent teams and introduced to concepts through readings, multi-media and discussion. During class time they engage in complex problem solving through case-based application exercises. TBL shifts the focus of classroom time from conveying course concepts by the instructor to the application of course concepts by student teams.